God is Singing

Help us to hear the songs of rejoicing that signal the nearing end to our afflictions. Help us to hear you and help us to hold on to your promises. Trouble is only but a few moments but your love is for a lifetime.

Psalm 86

This psalm presents us with pattern and principle for praying through challenging times. It is short. It is simple. It is sincere.

The Freeway To The Father

Today’s pray focus is on the sacrificial life that Jesus lived. As I am preparing to put my body through hell in order to live I am reminded that Jesus walked the same road and for that I am grateful and inspired.

We Need Love

God in a world and in a time filled with so much hatred grant us the power to extend your love to all of your creation. Help us to honor those also made in your image even if we disapprove or disagree. God humble is where we need a dose of humility and forgive us for devaluing one another. Help us to love others the way that you love us. Unconditionally.

We Have A Deal

God your promises are true and I believe that you have more work for me to do and more life for me to live. Cancer free life. A healthy life. A purpose filled life. This is your covenant promise and I stand on it and believe it in Jesus name.