Set Free

Let our lives be built on the truth of the gospel and the truth of your unflinching love for us. Jesus you are the way, the truth, and the life. God where we have attempted to live life apart from your way and your truth bring correction and comfort.

3 Ways Autism Impacts My Cancer Treatment

Autism informs most of how I experience life. It’s not all of who I am, but the reality is that it is a big part of how I experience With that being said there are a few ways that it has impacted my battle with cancer this far.

The Ox in The Room

Why is it so difficult to talk about difficult subjects? Take 18 minutes to find out why and how we can get better at it.

Bitter Fruit

I wish I could say “We’re better than this” but we are not. This is exactly who we are as a nation. We are eating fruit from the seeds we allowed to be planted only to complain about the way it taste.