Good morning fight club. It’s another great to day to fight. Thank you for your prayers yesterday as I began the next phase of my cancer treatment.
Doctors are pleased with the results from the first round of treatment. Scans show that he tumor has reduced significantly and is in my doctors words “Mostly gone and almost not visible.” There is still some secondary thickness in the lining of my organ where the tumor was. Praise God for working his healing through the wisdom of science and medicine.
When I was diagnosed in October my doctor told me that they were going to “throw the kitchen sink at me” in terms of the intensity of the treatments. I am thankful for their wisdom and aggressive approach to curing this disease. With that being said I am overly thankful that given the intensity of the treatments I have not experienced any debilitating side effects to date. I attribute this to your prayers and God’s mercy and kindness.
Pray this with me today
“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 NLT
“Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””
John 8:31-32 NLT
God I thank you for another day. God I thank you for your unfailing love and kindness. Lord your loving kindness is better than life itself. You are so good and so kind to those who ask for your help. Thank you for new mercies that I receive every single morning. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness. Thank you Jesus for giving your life as a ransom for mine. Let me never forget the cost you paid for me to receive freedom and to receive forgiveness for my sins. I am eternally grateful and eternally indebted to you. Jesus I could never repay you for what you have done for me but I pray that you take this day and take my life as my response to your love.
God thank you for another day. As I rise to continue my battle with cancer I am thankful for your healing hand at work in me. Thank you for my medical team and for the skill, wisdom, grace, and compassion that you have gifted them with. I also thank you for the army of pray warriors praying for me and my family.
Lord today I pray for your servants. For all those who serve you and search for you I pray for a renewed commitment to you. Help today to be a day of sobering reflection on the actual cost of their salvation and the actual sacrifice that you made to release them from the bondage and tyranny of sin.
Help them to absorb the full weight of your grace and mercy operating in their lives both publicly and privately. Jesus I pray today that we respond to the revelation of the depths to which you dove deeply into this sinful world to save us. Let us hold nothing back in our ability to follow you and obey your voice.
Let our lives be built on the truth of the gospel and the truth of your unflinching love for us. Jesus you are the way, the truth, and the life. God where we have attempted to live life apart from your way and your truth bring correction and comfort.
Let the words that you declare over our lives ring true and everything else that is not of you fall to the ground and whither.
Let your word spring up in our souls today. Let it over flow and be our source of inspiration and hope. Let truth be our weapon against the enemy and let your word be forged in us like a weapon against the enemy.
God where schemes of injustice and unrighteousness are being formed in the cloak of darkness in our communities, churches, and in our country shine your truth, drive out deception, and destroy the plans of the enemy.
God your word declares that as surely as the rain and snow falls and does not return to heaven without watering the earth that your word shall not return to you without accomplishing its purpose on earth. God your word NEVER returns void and your truth is forever and your promises are yes and amen. Today Lord let your truth be seen, experienced and obeyed in our lives so that we are refreshed, renewed, restored and mostly importantly healed and set free by your word.
In Jesus name.