Your Kingdom Come

Good morning fight club. It’s another great day to fight.

Today as I reflect on my battle with cancer in the face of a national election I am reminded of the supremacy of God’s Kingdom. God’s kingdom reigns over all.

Pray this with me.

“May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10 NLT

“One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the Kingdom of God come?” Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you. ””

Luke 17:20-21 NLT

“But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.””

Matthew 19:14 NLT

“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”

Matthew 24:14 NLT

“And people will come from all over the world—from east and west, north and south—to take their places in the Kingdom of God.”

Luke 13:29 NLT

Gracious and eternally wise God thank you for another day. Thank you for your mystery and your majesty. Thank you for giving life meaning and for performing miracles. Thank you for this moment and for joyful memories of how your mercy has been present in my life. Thank you for new mercy daily. Thank you for unlimited and unmerited favor and bottomless blessings. Thank you for being just and righteous and holy and kind. God you are simply amazing.

Today as I rise another day to battle cancer God I pray for a glimpse of your kingdom at work in my life. May your kingdom reign over my physical, mental, and emotional health. May your kingdom set the course for my spiritual well-being. Let this day be a day of kingdom influence in my life.

God I thank you for your servants. Those who are searching and serving. Those who stand with me in this fight against cancer.

God I pray for those who are in need of reassurance that your plan and purpose for their life is working. God I pray for those who need their faith to be reinforced with tangible evidence of your reign and your kingdom. God today I pray that you give us a glimpse of the work of your kingdom already among us. May your kingdom come and your will be done in the same manner as it is in heavenly places.

God as we face a national election tomorrow let our hearts and hope be properly placed not in the presidency but in the supremacy of your kingdom.

God lift our imagination above our instincts and into the ideal. Let heaven be the standard for our faith. Let heaven be the measure of the miracles that we seek. Let heaven be how we think, live, and function. Let our will and our ways be synchronized with heaven.

Help those who are struggling to see your kingdom. Jesus you said that the kingdom is already among us and we stand on your word today that the kingdom of darkness is not the only kingdom present and that your holy kingdom is pressing against the kingdom of darkness and it is driving out the dark as it shines it’s light throughout the world.

God help us to capture the essence of your kingdom by living with a sense of childlike faith and imagination. Free our minds from the bondage and burden of facts, statistics, news reports, and naysayers.

Help us to return to a sense of awe and wonder and excitement that comes from being free of the baggage of cynicism and division. Help our faith to have the freedom of a child. Help us to live with a passion for what is possible and a pursuit of seeing and experiencing your kingdom.

Forgive us for our sins and remove the scales from our eyes and the scars from our hearts where people and life have damaged our faith. God your mission is not national it is global and so is your gospel. Help us to not be trapped into believing for your will to only be done in our region but help is to make your kingdom our expectation.

Help us to have the power and resources to preach the gospel to all nations. Give us the childlike faith to reduce and remove our low expectations for the power of the gospel. Help us to raise our expectations of the work you can do in us and through us.

You are a big God with big plans and a big mission. Help us to live up to that standard. God where we have operated with small faith and stationary spirituality free our minds. Make us like children. God your word says that people from across the globe will take their place in your kingdom.

God give us wisdom and direction and help us to take our place and to get in position. Where we have been distracted help us to become more determined. Where we have been hurt let hope rise. Where we have doubted let a childlike faith destroy our doubt and bring a desire for your kingdom. God make today the day that we stand with courage and commitment to full participation in the advancement of your kingdom.

Let your kingdom enter our hearts. Let it come in our imagination and curiosity. Let it come in our decisions. Let it come in our finances. Let it come in our families and communities. Let it come in our churches. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth exactly as it is in heaven.

In Jesus name.



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